Monday, August 11, 2014

Yazidi and Hindu Similarity

Yazidis are in news for a grave situation in northern Iraq. They are being literally exterminated by the Islamic State Jihadis. Only 7,00,000 or so Yazidis remain on the planet today and most of them are in the northern provinces of Iraq near Kurdistan. 1000s have died already this year and their mass killing via siege, starvation and other means is gut wrenching.

The world is watching without doing much to save this extremely rare race. #SaveYazidis cry on the social media is not having much effect as 10s of 1000s of them are on the verge of extinction or capture into slavery by the extreme radicals of ISIS. The situation of women and children starving to death has created an uproar across the world, but not much help is coming forward.

While researching into who these Yazidi people are, I stumbled upon some unmistakable similarity with Hindus of India. Two hours back, I didn't know much, but after putting these side by side, I am almost getting convinced that these Yazidis are a lost tribe linked to ancient Hindus of India. The overlapping features are clearly not some coincidences that you will find among pre-Abrahamic religions of the world.

Yazidis kiss a peacock shaped lamp.
Hindus light a peacock shaped lamp.

 Yazidis temples have pyramid shaped gopura just like Hindu temples.

Yazidis symbol is a wing spread peacock, just like Hindu god Shiva's son, Subrahmanya's mount. The most important point to note is that peacock, the national bird of India, is a native of south and south east Asia or Africa. Not found in the area of Iraq or Syria at all.

Yazidi mural on wall of their holy Lalish temple is unmistakably Hindu. You can see saree, which is an unofficial national dress of India.

Yazidi temple at Lalish has snake symbol at the entrance. You won't find this among other tribes of Arabia or Mesopotamia. For Hindus, Subrahmanya is the other avatara of snakes and worshiped very closely for all snake related pujas like Naga Panchami.

Yellow sun Yazidi symbol 21 rays.
Number 21 is sacred to Hindus (Ganesha). Offerings are in 21 count like Modaka (sweet).

Yazidi marry within their castes like Murids, Sheikhs and Pirs.
Hindus marry within castes.  Yazidis could have something like Gotra system (researching).

Any Hindu with even basic understanding of aarti plate, will see Yazidis as their own.

Yazidis believe in continuous rebirth and reincarnation.
Same as Hindu Punar Janma concept.

Yazidis do not circumcise, a very rare thing in the middle east.
Hindus do not circumcise.

Yazidis pray with folded hands. Hindus pray very similarly to their Gods and Goddesses.
Yazidis pray at sun rise and sun set, just like Hindus. Both face the rising or setting sun when praying to sun.

Yazidis have a symbol similar to Bindi or Tilak during temple prayer, very similar to Hindu forehead custom.

For big celebrations, lighting lamp by females common to both Yazidis and Hindus.

Yazidis men worship Melek Taus by lighting fire in temples.
Hindus' do similar fire based worship to their Gods, with high regard for agni the fire.

As I read and browse, there are more similarities popping up. The trident (Shiva's trishula), the vessels used during worship (kalasha), the sound (something like dhol and shankha), sun worship methods and much more..

I am convinced that they ARE deeply connected to ancient Hindu civilization. Whether through Zoroastrian connection in Persia (today's Iran) or directly via migration, has to be researched. If you find credible sources, please share them in the comments.

And most importantly, please put pressure on the Indian, Iraqi, US, EU and other governments to save them. They have just a few days between life and death, at the current barbarism level of ISIS. Let this very rare and ancient tribe of our earth survive.

Pictures used in this blog entry are from these websites. All credits to original copyright holders:,,,,,,, metrography,,,,,, stuartfreedman, and 


  1. Kudos ! Well done quick research!

    Add Israel to the list of nations as well....!

    Yes, these folks need the world's help !! And support!

    Did not know they existed until now!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


      That means rather than refuting, you want to run away!

      "Adam in Hinduism"! REALLY?


      Why can't you provide sources with authentic references from the Hindu scriptures if so!

      Semitic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam firmly believe that Adam and Eve were first humans created and who believed in ONE GOD who has no image and do not believed in IDOL WORSHIP. The whole story of Adam and Eve of disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit is clearly mentioned in Jewish, Christian and Islamic scriptures.

      Not only Adam, their sons, Abel and Cain, marrying their sisters for generation. Stories of the prophets after Adam, Enoch (called Idris in Arabic), Noah (Nuh in Arabic), Hud (Hud - Pronounced same), Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic), Ishmael (Ismaeil in Arabic), Moses (Musa in Arabic), Jesus (Isa in Arabic) are clearly explained in Semitic religions who followed Adam.

      Does Hinduism say these things?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. // Yazidis eat meat, sacrifice sheep, goats and chickens during their festivals, while Hindus don't.

      Yazidis bury the dead bodies unlike Hindus who burn it!

      Hinduism in not monotheism

      Peacock is not Demon in hindu tradition and hindus do not have demons //

      Says who? Correct your facts!!

      Hinduism IS "monotheism" where every thing is a form of the ultimate only God called "Parabramham" . Everybody and everything is the form of the omnipresent parabramham.

      Hindus do practice burying the dead. Burning is just one of the practice, but they also practice burying dead in the land and getting the corpses drowned, etc etc

      Hindus do practice giving sacrifices in festivals. Ever seen any festival in South India or Sacrifice in kolkatta kali temple?

      The peacock was a Demon called Soora, who was at first very good and close to God that he got many boons from him. He later turned bad, waged a war on heaven and captivated the angels. Subramaniya fought back the demon. In the final stage of the war the demon was split by Subramaniya using his spear. But subramaniya took pity on the demon's plea and revived him by turning one half of the body to a peacock and the other half to a rooster and had him as his vehicle and flag respectively.

      All the facts given above are explained in the same way in "Skanda purana" and a ancient tamil literature called "thiru murugu aatrupadai" which is expected to be around 5000 years old.

      Now does it make Yazidis and Hindus more connected?

    5. The Abrahamic Faith claims God for itself and goes by its undependable Traditions of Hebrew semite literature. From Adam and Eve and Tree to Flood -are all millenniums previous to that Bible version that simply copied and made its own versions of circulating old Pagan literature of Sumerians and Egyptian myths. Noah's story you will see its original in Utnapishim and his building of ark to escape wrath of En Lil. The tale of Gilgamesh and Inanna about Tree of heavan with a snake dragon and Owl (death and destruction) are inperfectly translated by Bible writers. Monothiesm also is bunkum- Abraham prayed to El Homin not yahewh who clearly tells Moses previous generations were not told his name. El Homin is Pleural. It denotes the Starry night sky firmament. Monotheism is a political device of Oppression of all people centralizing around a Tyrannical God idea.The Original Israelites were pantheists and Polytheists as archaeology shows and survived well into 2nd century AD. Greek has no word at all for God-like El Homin the Dius is pleural- the gods. Moses story imports idea of yahweh only and fanatical genocides as practice of Faith. Yahweh before that was a Yemeni volcano mountain god with a wife. Patriarchial Abrahamic rewriting happened for Political power gains.You can check how Moses breaks the original laws that forbade killing of fellow humans-Thou Shall Not Kill. he breaks the Tablets! Then orders Levite soldiers to massacre his brothren for worshipping 'false gods' ! That is Pattern of behaviour the poster rants against Yezis. Thou sahll not covet anothers' wife also gets over written by scoundrels-'its permissible-they are right hand possesions'. Entire Abrahamic Monothiesm is works of such fanatical minds that brazenly violate both common sense given by God, humanism, and establishes in his name aweful ideas like taking captives of other peoples' women, killing children ( "they are of their own"ie enemies) , slavery and such nauseating barbarous ideas. This is actually the Revolt of Satanical ideas against God. It asks them to fight own brothers, slay humanity, impose such twisted ideas and kill and get killed as Best among Paths.'One- God My God' idea is the only Satan- while childish people can practise satanical ideas doing violence rapine loot and genocides as Way to Divine life. In Yezidi faith Peacock is symbol of victory over Materialism and human Lower nature. It is Victory of Divine ideas of Love, universal brotherhood, celebration of life as a gift, hope and peaceful living. In hindusim Peacock is a demon that was slayed- as a symbol Man' Egoism and Ignorance of his own divine nature.By Skanda Kartikeya. Other than this gross Ignorance of man and his barbrism there are no satans. Peacock wins over such demonical tendencies in man becomes the Peacock Angel- a bird of Beauty, Peacefulness and Love. Peacock also slays the Snake which is also venerated by yezidi. That is the real Snake of hatred, Poisonous ideas, conflict with humanity celebrated as Jihad. That snake will surely be defanged. When Arabs stop believing in hallucinations of a man and win back their real divine nature within,stop hating and fighting because of such snake ideas- they will return to Wisdom of their El Ohmin. Their Original faith of ancestors that taught them to live peacefully together as one humanity.Following the verses of hate - of a just one man- they are in revolt against the Heavan creating Hell on earth. They are the Satan's Rebels against Love that is called by so many names as God. It goes without saying this Rebellion will lead to hell on earth as we see in all muslim lands.

    6. @ Murli daran

      Thanks for the Info!

      To be honest, that story of "Soora" really made sense. Though I can agree that the concept of worship of Image pertaining to peacock can be of ancient Indian influence, the whole concept of evolution of mankind from Adam and Eve and disobedience of the Lucifer / Iblis / Satan in bowing to Adam and Eve is an Abrahamic religious concept!

      Also, there are other practices in the Yazidi religion which I feel is alien to ancient Indian / Hindu beliefs such as, Baptizing - a Christian practice, Fasting and Circumcision - a Judaism and Islamic practice.

      Yazidis beliefs also have been said to have been influenced from the Moon-worshipping city of Harran, which in turn preserved traditions from Babylonian religion.

      I appreciate you for bringing out the facts of ancient Hindu practices of animal sacrifice. However, apart from Indians, Mesopotamian and Greek civilizations practiced animal sacrifice too!

      Burying was a common practice of almost all religions and of almost all civilizations of the world and that I think does not necessary to be of a Hindu or ancient Indian influence!

      I believe that the Yazidis, apart from Hinduism, have elements from religions like Assyrian religions, Judaism and Christianity as well!

      I am really convinced by the arguments put forth. I am sorry If I had been harsh and rigorous. NO HARD FEELINGS :-)

      Cheers all.

    7. Hi Azhar Uddin,

      The practices like baptizing, fasting are done by Hindus too..but not Circumcision ...

      Baptizing is a lost practice in Hinduism where in the holy dipping is done in river and not in a bath like in Christianity.. Nowadays its not practiced, but there are many people who fast in Hinduism too. Their fasting are mostly shorter than the fasting done in Islam but there are few Hindus who do it seriously for whole day..

      As with Moon-worshipping , the Hinduism too have it. Lord shiva who is said to the father of Lord Subramaniya (the one who kills the devil and coverts into peacock and cock flag) is also called as Chandrasekara. Chandra means Moon. Google 'Lord Shiva' and you are see a crescent moon over the head of Lord Shiva. Moon is also one of the most influential celestial being in Hindu Astrology. Many practices relating to moon worship have lessened in number but if one looks closer into Hinduism you can find the crescent moon worship in Hinduism too..

      Another similarity I would like to point out is the Star of David.
      Lord Subramaniya (also known as Skanda, Murugan) is usually worshiped in the form of sitting over the peacock (subduing the demon Soorapadman who was once good but later becoming bad) and Rooster flag (the other half of the same demon) and the symbol of Lord Subramaniya is a Six Pointed Star which is popularly known in the west as Star of David. Hence He is also called as Aarumugam meaning six faces.

      The other name of Subramaniya is 'Kumaran'.. .. Subramaniya is also considered to become a saintly figure later on (called Siddha) and started living in caves over hills. You can google the name 'Palaniandavar' where in you will find Subramaniya is being worshipped as a saint with wearing only loin cloth, living in cave over an hill..

      Now, notice the name 'Kumaran' being similar with 'Qumran'.. Qumran is the artificial cave found in Judaean desert where esoteric practices are believed to be carried on.. Similarly Subramaniya also lived in cave over an hill and believed to perform esoteric activities.

      We can count many number of similarities between Hinduism and Yazidi.. To be specific the similarities are between 'South Indian Hindusim' and 'Yazidi'..

      Why I say so is, Subramaniya and many other things noted above are connected only with South India but not with the North India. If you closely observe Hinduism you can point out that North India and South India has different forms of Hinduism but people don't know this and think all of India follow same form of Hinduism.

      Thus concluding that Southern Hindu traditions undoubtedly have many similarities with Yazidi..

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. There is an interesting story regarding Kartikeya and his older brother Ganesha (in N.India he is the younger brother). When Karthikeya lost the competition against Ganesha he was very angry with his parents. He accused his parents for siding with Ganesha and left his father, Aadi Dev, Shiva (first god, Shiva) and his mother Parvati. Later on I think he repents for his anger. Somewhat similar to Yezedi's peacock god getting upset with his creator and later repents for that .

    10. Dear Azhar,

      I fail to understand your criticism against this well researched article. The author is highlighting glaring similarities and there is nothing for you to feel insecure. This is the beauty of our culture that we welcome all such discussions not seen with western religions.

      Yezidis could be an extension of Indian culture and got corrupted with time and place. Even we accept that our culture has got changed with time.

      Some may claim that Arabs were also following what we were following in India, before commissioning of Islam (hold your BP, it is just a view ). You people circum ambulate seven times around Kaabaa, although anti clock, kiss black stone (Sang-e-aswadh), wear unstitched white dhotie, shave your head. Aswadh could be a corrupt version of Sanskrit 'ashwet' meaning non white. Anything is possible.

      The Indian culture being the oldest surviving culture in the world could have covered land beyond current boundaries. Your Moosaa/Moses have mention in the name of Matsyaavataar.

      Please observe that I have not used the word Hindu or religion as these are not native words this word came in 14th century, only. Our texts mention of entire world( may be known world) and not few lands.

      Tomorrow you may say that you are a pure blood descendant Muslim from Saudi Arabia and not a convert but that is not the truth.

    11. For Moosaa/Moses read Nooh/Noah

  2. informative .............and sad to see the condition of world..............every religion wants to have hell with such a person who thinks his religion superior to one is inferior to anyone and can never be superior to anyone......this is what religion teaches

  3. Not all Hindu's burn their dead. Gowdas in the south bury their dead. In the Indus Valley, it is said that lots of Urn Burials have been unearthed.

    1. Gowdas cremate... Lingayats don't cremate!

    2. Dr. Rajkumar, a Gowda himself, was buried. I had heard about Gowda's burying their dead from my mum who spent her younger days in Karnataka. Lingayats also bury, i am aware.

    3. Although I do feel today cremation may be preferred due to lack of land etc. Just like how some Malayalis are slowly adopting vedic marriage practices, as the times are changing.

    4. Srinath u r speaking to a kannadiga from Bangalore... Dr rajkumar was buried because of crowd commotion of fans! After the commotion subsided in eve Puneet Rajkumar and Shivaraj Kumar n
      all burnt his body n fulfilled their rights !
      And Dr Rajkumar is not a Gowda he is an ediga...
      I know Gowda customs better. They are cow rearing occupation caste... Meaning they were high caste vyshyas... Meaning they are rooted in ancient Hindu traditions.

    5. Thanks for your insights. And apologies for my ignorance. I learnt something today:)

    6. Dr.Rajkumar was neither a Gowda or a Ligayath by Caste, he was a Idiga by Caste like Mr.Bagarappa (Ex-Chief Minister) of Karnataka.

    7. Shrinath - Good spirit.
      Yes, as Aditi explained, there's nothing uniform among Hindus. They bury, burn or electrically cremate based on various factors.

    8. Melek Taus is Yama Dharmaraja. Hindus worship him . The concept of 'Narakaa as hell, with its devil connection is a later invention , but we do did not really believe that. Naraka is a place of justice, a stopping point for salvation and liberation of soul ,over which Yama, God of Dharma, ,presides .Melek Taus was not a devil, atleast when he started out.

  4. i'm yezidi.........that is right & there is more

    1. Please come to India.. Bring your ppl here!. You belong here. You separated long back from us. You are our Brahmins... Who will die but not follow any false stuff... You ppl belong mostly to South India.. Perani is your holy place. Pezhani is in Tamil nadu ,a Karthikeya temple. For someone who doesn't talk Tamil n Malayalam.. Pazhani is sounds palani or parani... N if u not comfortable with Hindus... You can live with thriving parsis ( zoharastrian s who got asylum here many yrs ago)
      Just don't eat beef here! :-)

    2. @Aditi : Your views stunned me ..Kudos to your statements ..Stay blessed and enjoy :)

    3. In Tamil literature five types of lands are seen. They are Kurinji (mountainous region), Mullai (forest region), Marutham (agricultural region), Neithal (coastal region) and Palai (desert region).

      Separate gods for these land types are clearly told in Sangam literature. According to the literature Lord Muruga is the god of mountainous region, Lord Vishnu is the god of forest region, Lord Indra was the god of agricultural land, Lord Varuna is the god of coastal region and Lord Kali is the god of desert region.

      The six abodes of Muruga are Tirupparamkunram, Thiruchendur, Thiruavinankudi, Swamimalai, Thiruthani, Pazhamudircholai.


      The six temples are located at:

      Thirupparamkunram : Located on the outskirts of Madurai on a hillock where Kartikeya married Indra's daughter Deivanai. Nakkeerar worshipped Muruga in this shrine and is said to have worshiped Lord Shiva here as Parangirinathar.
      Tiruchendur : Located on the sea-shore near Tuticorin amongst the remains of Gandhamadana Parvatam or Santhanamalai (Sandal Mountain). The temple commemorates the place where Muruga worshiped Shiva and won a decisive victory over demon Soorapadman.
      Palani : Located south east of Coimbatore, the temple is build on a hill top where Muruga resided after his feud with his family over a divine fruit. The main deity is made out of an amalgam of nine minerals popularly called Navabashana.
      Swamimalai : Located at 5 km from Kumbakonam, the temple is built on an artificial hill. The temple commemorates the incident where Muruga explained the essence of "Om" to his father Shiva.
      Thiruthani : Located near Chennai, Muruga reclaimed his inner peace after waging a war with Asuras and married Valli here.
      Pazhamudircholai : Located on the outskirts of Madurai on a hillock with a holy stream nearby called "Nupura Gangai". Muruga is seen with both his consorts Deivanai and Valli.

  5. Don't miss d forest for d trees

  6. If u really wanna rediscover then start collecting data about the original mystery of Mecca. How d shiv mandir got converted into d holy shrine for Islam n why they follow Hindu tradition of cotton dhoti n angaavastram, shaving heads as a dedication & do parikrama of d central structure at Mecca! Hindus lost almost all literature n proofs during 1000 years of barbaric slavery under Islam but truth is still out there

  7. Yazidis are hindus... :) Strange we dint know our brothers live somewhere in Iraq. :) After ISIS attack it came to lime light. But media still says Yazidi religion is mixture of Christianity, Islam and Persian religions. They are all wrong. Yazidis are definitely Hindus.

    1. hi, im yezidi from same place in iraq .. can some body to help me please ... i want to bring all families to india ..please there is no enough time ,,, i dont know any where in india ,,, now im in bangalore . please help

    2. OK, if what you claim is true, I'll do all I can, as a common citizen of India, to help you secure your family. You should have a camera and a skype account. Our first interaction will be on a skype video call. leave your skype ID/name here.

    3. @Darweesh Hasan Call me on +918690755122. I will definitely help you.

    4. Hi Darweesh, this is 'Anish Naidu' from Chennai, call me (+91 97911 91848), Take Care -

  8. Congrats Kiran.. well done... u done and found a great thing in a very short of period...

  9. Don't you think your revelation will endanger remaining Yazidi further.

  10. It is said that Yazidis are descendants of Adam only, not Eve. Peacock god Shanmukha is the son of Shiva only and not Parvati....and Yazidis worship the peacock god.

  11. Yazidis have a caste system and marriage outside one's caste is forbidden, as is marriage to a non-Yazidi. The religion is inherited, and literacy is forbidden to the large lay caste. So similar to HInduism.

  12. Hi Kiran It's a known fact that Hinduism is the oldest religion on this earth so no two things about tracing origins of Yazidis to Hinduism. There would be some practices reminiscent of Hinduism as you try to prove. However what you call a mural, to me looks like a mere wall painted advertisement for silk sarees. That one pic looks odd as a proof of similarities in religions. About the other proofs you got me curious enough to scourge the net for more reading up.

    1. And incidently that sari ad has a peacock lamp. Do better research next time anjali

    2. What does that prove? I am not a researcher so not competing with you. However I do not accept such proof and misconstrued connections blindly. I am a just a curious person.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Which company made that advertisement?

  13. Ancient tamilians also buried. Sangam period has references to hero stones. This is siginificant, i

  14. Not at all surprising. The nomadic, pastoral, bracycephalic, ruddy complexioned, non-proselytizing Aryans were Brahmins (worshipers of Brahma) with an advanced law, astronimcal-navigational, and military science but without agriculture or architecture, who held the Sun to be the living idol of Brahma and all of nature to be his temple, originated from Central Asia. The Dravids or Druids were tall, fair, encycephalic, semites, with advanced agricultural and architectural skills from Mesopatamia, they are the polytheist, idolatrous Lilith (Lalitha) worshiping lost tribes of Israel who refused to bend their knee to the jealous, androgynous God of Abraham and worshiped Vishnu, Shakthi, and Shiva and also experimented with the Kabala that had its origins in Brahmansim. Harried by the Aryans as well as their own apostates who had embraced Yahweh, the Druids scattered from the Ur civiilization in Mesopatamia. Some of them entered the Indo-Gangetic plain, over laying the native Negroids who worshipped Ganapathi, Kali and various forms of Mother Goddesses and among other things, created the Indus Valley Civilization contemproraneous with the Aryan Rig Vedic and Shukla Yajur Vedic periods. The Aryans (the noble or "those who know" the Prathamo Upanishad or the "Covenant of Brahma" given to their patrilineal ancestors, the Saptha Rishis) then over laid the Druids and settled in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, exacting tribute (the fruit of the agricultural and architectural skills of the Druids). The Chief of these Aryas. Bharatha, entered into a treaty with Arya Mihira, the Chief of the tribes of Central Asia that protected the Indo-Gangetic Plain from further invasions in return for tribute. Simultaneously, a "one for all and all for one" treaty of laws and code of chivalry was entered into by all the Aryan Chiefs in the Indo-Gangetic plain. Here began the joyous tones of the Krishna Yajur Veda fueled by plenty and welded the Aryans of the Indo-Gangetic plains into a formidable force that kept India free of invasions and adventurers including other Aryan tribes till Ashoka dismantled the treaty of Bharatha. The Krishna Yajur Veda was succeeded by the decadence of the Sama Veda that gave rise to classical Indian music. Subsequently, the Atharva Veda included Dravidian agriculture, temple worship, architecture and so on through the Agama (that which came from outside) Shastras. This saw the formation of the Dravido-Aryan civilization with the Dravidians and Aryans freely inter marrying till Ashoka drove Brahmanism together with the Vedas, Guru Kulas, and Brahma Suthras under ground, and destroyed and looted the temples and other Dravido-Aryan institutions, persecuting them in revenge for having been declared an out caste. This ossified the caste system. Till today, orthodox Brahmins look down on the Atharva Veda without really knowing why.

    1. *Alien-Aryans, Idol worship & Religion
      If Aryans were alien then who are the indigenous people of this country. North eastern tribes claim that they are the real habitant(indigenous acc. to UNO) of this country but most of them belongs to mongoloid race. Dravidian belongs to Mediterranean race and we well known about Arab, Turk, Mongol, parse ,Jews ,indo-greek, converted muslim-christian etc. from where they came.Then who is the real native of this country;ape or monkey,isn’t it. Our history is totally biased towards European stereotype,their racial perception that 1st civilization started around the Europe . How foolish we are! Who don’t know about our origin and history at least.

      “Aryan invasion needs reconsideration and that the Indus valley civilization was the joint creation of the Aryans and pre-Aryan inhabitants of India. S.R Rao,the noted archaeologist known for his work on Lothal, has reiterated in his speeches and writings that the people of IVC were multi ethnic. This is suggested by the skeletal remains found in extensive excavations.”

      Our Vedas forbid Idol worship, only it believe in yajna and also agnostic about the creator/creation of universe. Then who started strangely idol worship in Hinduism. May be Aryan/Hinduism was influenced by idol worship of IVC, we can easily identify impact of Ivc over hindu culture. We can see it in Pashupatinath seal found in IVC excavations, still Hindu & tribes of India are worshipping bull,elephant and yogi mudra of lord Pashupatnath (shiva).

      Idol worship is forbidden in most of exist religion except some tribal society. In Hinduism(Vedas) nowhere mention of idol worship, same thing is true about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Jainism etc. But later on believers of every religion involved in Idol worship specially in medieval time . Here we take an example of Islam, idol worship is strictly prohibited but later on going for HAZ(pilgrimage) in Mecca-Medina and their parikrama(orbital revolution) around square shape mosque is nothing but Idol worship(here square shape mosque is symbol of idol) or a kind of worship .In Christianity burning of candles and offer prayer sitting on bench in front of Jesus-Christ is also a kind of Idol-worship. Same thing is true about remaining of religion.

    2. Friend, you bring into your arguments the fantasies woven by fanatical Tamil chauvinists that have been thoroughly disproved, including the Aryan invasion theory. Particularly glaring is your ignorance of geological time-scales. Godwana land existed between 200 and 55 million (20 crore to 5.5 crore) years back. There were no humans then.

  15. (Continued) Adi Shankaracharya revived Sanskrit, and wove the various religions into the Panchayatana (the five deities) comprising the Aryan Sun (idol of Brahma), and merging the Aryan Narayana with the Druid Vishnu, the Aryan Shankara and Rudra with the Druid Shiva, the Aryan Sandhya, Savithri, Saraswathi and Gayathri with the Druid Lalitha Lakshmi, and Parvathi with the tribal Mother Godess into Durga Parameshwari and included the tribal (Negroid) Ganapathi. This might be the origin of "Sanathana Dharma". Subsequently, we had the dark ages of Islamic rule. Comparatively balmy British rule and then the darkest age of the "Indian" Republic that have confused the matter thoroughly for political convenience. The confusion has been fomented by western educated revisionists of the British period who are now venerated as beatified authorities, the hostility of the Republic to all politically inconvenient truths and History, and the fact that no History or Knowledge was written till the Atharva Veda Period and that there were long periods when the Shroutha-Smartha (heard and remembered) Brahmin tradition was driven underground through persecution by Ashoka, other invaders and the Moslems. That the culture, religions and civilization managed to survive and procreat here though eradicated in the places of origin was due to the treaty of Bharatha and the long period of stability enjoyed by the Indo-Gangetic Plain and because of this, in the lands South of the Vindhyas which also aped many of the Dravido-Aryan cultural, social and legal aspects though osmosis and beyond into South East Asia.

    1. You are speaking exactly like the British... Who changed and fudged our history... Stop blabbering false history... Do you even know saraswati civilization existed before Sumerian? It's before Mesopotamian too!It's a fact.. Researched fact. But still ppl want to blabber... Aryan were fair tall Blue eyes crap! They were proper Indian liking brown... Who migrated outward after the river saraswati dried

    2. *Alien-Aryans, Idol worship & Religion
      If Aryans were alien then who are the indigenous people of this country. North eastern tribes claim that they are the real habitant(indigenous acc. to UNO) of this country but most of them belongs to mongoloid race. Dravidian belongs to Mediterranean race and we well known about Arab, Turk, Mongol, parse ,Jews ,indo-greek, converted muslim-christian etc. from where they came.Then who is the real native of this country;ape or monkey,isn’t it. Our history is totally biased towards European stereotype,their racial perception that 1st civilization started around the Europe . How foolish we are! Who don’t know about our origin and history at least.

      “Aryan invasion needs reconsideration and that the Indus valley civilization was the joint creation of the Aryans and pre-Aryan inhabitants of India. S.R Rao,the noted archaeologist known for his work on Lothal, has reiterated in his speeches and writings that the people of IVC were multi ethnic. This is suggested by the skeletal remains found in extensive excavations.”

      Our Vedas forbid Idol worship, only it believe in yajna and also agnostic about the creator/creation of universe. Then who started strangely idol worship in Hinduism. May be Aryan/Hinduism was influenced by idol worship of IVC, we can easily identify impact of Ivc over hindu culture. We can see it in Pashupatinath seal found in IVC excavations, still Hindu & tribes of India are worshipping bull,elephant and yogi mudra of lord Pashupatnath (shiva).

      Idol worship is forbidden in most of exist religion except some tribal society. In Hinduism(Vedas) nowhere mention of idol worship, same thing is true about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Jainism etc. But later on believers of every religion involved in Idol worship specially in medieval time . Here we take an example of Islam, idol worship is strictly prohibited but later on going for HAZ(pilgrimage) in Mecca-Medina and their parikrama(orbital revolution) around square shape mosque is nothing but Idol worship(here square shape mosque is symbol of idol) or a kind of worship .In Christianity burning of candles and offer prayer sitting on bench in front of Jesus-Christ is also a kind of Idol-worship. Same thing is true about remaining of religion.

    3. The Aryan-Dravidan theory is one of the earliest examples of divide and rule policies brought in by the Brits. And we still believe in them. And India is continually being divided, specially in the south, with this propaganda.

    4. Your agreement and disagreement are irrelevant to the truth. Since 1947, the truth has been even more distorted to political convenience than it was after 1917 (out of the British nervousness engendered by the Independence Movement and rooted in the Sepoy Mutiny) . The British had a spirit of earnest, scientific enquiry and learned of the ancient History and the laws and origins of the castes and tribes of India from the Shroutha Smarthas (who ran the Aryan Courts for thousands of years) and documented whatever they thought they could corroborate by their anthopological, cultural, archeological or other "scientific" means as History. It is true that the British, therefore, often sound like me. It is unfortunate that today's youngsters are averse to learning or enquiry and are steeped in the rotten culture created by the Indian Republic. A study of the works of the now defunct Anthopological Survey of India founded by Lord Curzon (probably still available at the British Museum) will give you a taste of research and science that has been lacking in India since 1947. It is also pretty obvious that the detractors here have very shallow knowledge and fall back on popular brain washing and name calling to avoid the onerous task of learning, research and interpretation. I would recommend to them seven -eight years of hard work at Veda Pathashalas of some repute such as Shringeri or Udupi before presuming to float the syncretised opinions of the followers of Nehru, Gandhi, Periyar, Patro, Narayana Guru and the Post 1917 rulers of India (whether British or not) as the "truth"

  16. AOL & other spiritual NGO's should take initiative to reach out these people. Should be able to convince them about their ancestral origin (Hinduism). We have to spread our helping hands across.

    1. hi, im yezidi from same place in iraq .. can some body to help me please ... i want to bring all families to india ..please there is no enough time ,,, i dont know any where in india ,,, now im in bangalore . please help
      please help to meet prime minister of india

  17. I, as a Tamil, we bury the body (Only some sects) with sitting posture(as if meditating- Badhmasanam) even today.And Yazidi's Six Angels are similar to Karthika devas(Who are also 6) who raised Murugan aga Karthik.

    The palani(Pazhani) temple was built by Bogar
    Who Visited China too or himself may be a Chinees and later his disciple Pulipani sithar =Nath) (Puli means tiger in Tamil)(aga Vyaghrapada aga Viyagiramar ) taken care of temple duties and his another diciple Korakkar( Gorakhnath-(Nepal)) gone to north India .

    Pulipani's (aga Vyaghrapada aga Viyagiramar) disciple Patanjali (Yoga famaous) who also had written " Charana Shrungarahita Stotram" on Nataraja at Chitambaram, TamilNadu.

    And also we have reference about Ramadevar (Aga Yakup ) who visited middle east (Mecca). His story and events were similar (meditating 10 yrs continously and disciples waiting etc) to Bodhidharma (Who visited China).

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Yazidis are the people of kurdish language speaking people. These Kurdish people are basically IRANIAN folks, like our BRAHMINS/ARYANS in India. These Kurdish populated area is spread in four countries now mostly. They are IRAN, IRAQ, TURKEY and SYRIA. These KURDISH people are embracing ISLAM of Sunny and Shiya sects, and some minorities are of Atheists, Christianity, Judaism, Agnosticism, Yazdanism and Zorostriyanism. So the KURDISH people following YAZDANISM are called as Yazidis. Their culture is having some aspects of Hindus in India also. This religion YAZDANISM is having faith on incarnation, deities of both male and female and thus nothing but as equal as HINDUISM. It is incorporating many matters of ISLAM also in it. The religion YAZDANISM is nothing but the combination of religious ideologies of Hindu, ISLAM and some other above said religions and the local religions of IRANIAN Folks. We can say the YAZIDIS now under the problems created by SUNNY Muslims are the BRAHMINS/ARYANS live in IRAQ and following YAZDANISM. Thanks and Regards(!)

  20. my grand papa was buried in badhmasanam. he is tamil hindu

  21. Actually... Hinduism is monotheistic... Surprised??!! Our one ultimate god is formless shapeless kinda GOD exactly like your Allah concept. He's called Parabramha.( advaitha) . And all other gods are concepts and qualities of parabramha personified..hence, it's common to feel we are polytheistic from an outsider who has no idea about our Hinduism..

    Everyone knows.. Wikipedia is the last site to refer to when someone asks showing proof. Yazidis don't circumcise although few do because of fear of Muslims. They can't even practice they're own religion peaceful in many places, hence all the distortions have taken place within themselves.
    Do you knew from where your Adam legend Comes from..? It's in our bhagavatam purana Adama and Hayavati...although abt snake n all is just Christian addition...
    Yes ,Zoroastrians are are offshoots of Hinduism like Jains, Buddhist ( who don't want to be considered any part of Hindus although almost all their belief is lifted from us.) Sikhs etc
    Anyway, you believe what u want to believe. Don't try to convince another person.

    1. The problem is ..people like you don't want to know the truth and are happy in building up day dreams. Same goes for all the people who are thinking yazidis are hindus.

      Yazidis main influencers are Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Shiite and Sufi cultures.
      I don't want to highlight the history but pointing out 10 similarities does not mean that both religions are same.

      I can come up with 20 similarities between Hindus and Judaism, but that does not mean both religions are same. If your God has given you power to think and utilize your should do so.

    2. @ Ajay Burbs: Exactly Ajay! Hindus always try to connect their irrelevant claims by hook or by crook with no solid evidences! This is how they deceive people in the name of world's oldest religion linking almost with anything they think they could!


      I am not here to convince you. I openly admit that I am here to expose the lies being spread by cherry picking some of the practices which look quite similar to Hinduism and then claim Yazidis are from Hinduism!

      "ADAMA AND HAYAVATI FROM BHAGAVATAM PURANA"?! Now that is the biggest truth I've ever heard!

      What does that mean? Can you explain me their history? Can you explain me what for they were created?

      Provide me the credible source and links for all of your claims!

      Even young Muslim, Christian and Jewish kids know the history of Adam and Eve! This is like a kindergarten lesson for us!

      Almost all the religions say that there is one SUPREME POWER, but what defines it what they actually practice! Almost, Every state in India have their own unique God.

      God like Murugan, are typically worshipped in South India and nowhere else!

      You say "Yazidis circumcise in fear of Muslims". Again, I am sure you might not have said that without any credible news! So, SOURCE PLEASE!

    3. hi, im yezidi from same place in iraq .. can some body to help me please ... i want to bring all families to india ..please there is no enough time ,,, i dont know any where in india ,,, now im in bangalore . please help


  22. the vedas promote Monotheism and being a hindu of bhramin family I only believe in the formless god as stated in the vedas :
    Yajurveda mantra 40/8 says that God is everywhere, Almighty, formless, nervous system less, purest, away from sins and away to face any result of any karmas(deeds), knows every soul, knows what is in everyone's mind, no body has made God, but God creates universe, has given the eternal knowledge of four Vedas and always gives the said knowledge at the beginning of every universe to know the science and deeds to all concern. Similarly four Vedas says about God that God is an omnipresent, omniscient, formless, beyond imagination and beyond calculation. Actually God has unlimited qualities. There is only one God who creates, nurses, destroys the universe and again creates.

  23. hi, im yezidi from same place in iraq .. can some body to help me please ... i want to bring all families to india ..please there is no enough time ,,, i dont know any where in india ,,, now im in bangalore . please help

    yezidi is a most ancient religion, we are present in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkish , Georgia , Armenia,and India ,,we worship to the God and taus melek

    1. You are in Bangalore? I am pretty surprised!

      There are government formalities for immigrants for any country. I guess India does not give Refugee visas to immigrants. However, you got to consult the Indian embassy in Iraq for exact immigration requirements.

  24. Yazidis/kurdish people count the numbers very similar to hindi ,,,,,,eik, dui, te, chau, panch, chak, sapt,......

    1. Yes. Kurdish language is pretty similar to Hindi / Urdu / Farsi pronunciation.

    2. Azhar,

      Get enlightened youself ,

      And you can read many more ....
      After you have done reading, ask questions with facts..dont expect solid proof for anything.. no one can time travel back..
      use your own perception and connect the dots..




      Why should I believe a BLOG?



    4. You haven't read it ..
      never mind..not interested in any argument with you..
      Every religion on earth is an offshoot from Sanathan dharma.
      Including Islam. thats why you see similiarities.

      -786 is mirror image of OM in devnagari

      -Kaaba was ancient shiva lingam. thats why it still follows hindu customs(white dress and clockwise PRADAKSHINAM)

      -So many Idols of Vishnu/Ganesha/Shiva has been excavated from Russia to Indonesia.

      -Latin american Maya/Inca/aztec are 100% originated from here. Same set of Idols have been excavated from Latin america too..

      -All ancient latin american deities have striking similiarities with indian.. Ex: Chilambalam of latin america worshipped "EMPTINESS" or "AKASHA". Same way as in Chidambaram of Tamiladu. AKASHA is one among the five "PANCHABHOOT"

      -There are ancient structures across globe - Greece -> temple of dodona-Europe/Russia -> Stonehenge.. All are structures of Vedic era

      -All Russian/Europian languages have root at Sanskrit

      Still need proof ?
      Find it out .. Proof is out there ..
      Never expect anyone to give you a certificate of proof.
      You are free to believe it or not.

      It is the zionists who took away all or valuable literature abroad and still keep it in Vatican/Bazel/London museums. We must seize them to get our original manuscripts.
      What we have today is a distorted version by themselves.. people like Max mueller with half knowledge.

      It is the zionists who control the world now. So too Wikipedia. never believe the propaganda.

    5. its just bunch of crap!!

      786 --nothing to do with islam

      kaaba has no shiv linga . there is a black stone . which is just a stone from heaven .got nothing to do with worship

      we dont care if many idols r excavated
      .we dont care if u had relationship with aztec or any group . santana dharma is not the oldest religion but islam is it started with prophet adam first man on earth

    6. how do you know adam was first man on earth, why not Aathavan, why god created only one man & one woman, why not 5, 10, 100 etc. where is haven? Religion to guide the man, not to fight. Just follow your guide, don’t harm others.

    7. Azhar,

      Nobody wants you to believe. This blog is for people with tolerance and patience to hear others view, which is not part of your grooming. I even feel that I butparast kaafir feel the entire civilised world is influenced by our philosophy, we being the oldest. If you disagree, well, you have an option of quitting.



  26. Tirupathi Perumal please save them...You can only do it.Long Long live yazidis...

  27. Kabba could very well have been a site for the fertility Gods borrowed from the Assyrian Pro-Indo-European beliefs. Why is that so hard to believe? There was a Goddess Al'Lat, the fertility Goddess who was worshiped at Kabba before Mohammed destroyed it. Granted it might not exactly be Shiva, but probably something skin to it. All PIE religions shared the same root after all. Even your precious Islam plagiarized the many PIE beliefs and mixed it with Judaism.


    Answer me this one thing. Why was Mohammed's father's name Abdallah? ie Slave of Allah , if the Allah did not exist before Mohammed miraculously discovered him? Allah is a Arab pagan moon God with Assyrian influence. There is nothing special about Islam. It is a bad plagiarism of a goat herder with delusions of grandeur. But you are probably too brainwashed to think.

    And please don't use capital letters. Makes your penis look smaller than it is.

  28. @ Champamaar: "COULD VERY WELL HAVE BEEN".


    "AL-LAT = ALLAH!". This show how dumb and stupid you really are!

    ALLAH is just an arabic word for "GOD". Jewish Arabs, Jewish Christians and Pre-Islamic Assyrian religions too used to call "ALLAH" and the Jewish and Christian Arabs still use the word "ALLAH". It merely means GOD.

    Abdullah means (Abd = Slave, Allah = God). which means Slave of Allah. Those are Arabic words. THAT'S IT!

    Allah is not a Pagan Moon God. LOL. Pagans whose language was Arabic used to call their moon GOD as "ALLAH". That means it is their "GOD".

    Kaaba was built by Prophet Abraham and his sons. Years later pagan worshipers used it for Idol worshiping.

    Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Semitic religions and we believe in the same ONE GOD.


    All our teachings are similar except for things that are specifically revealed to the people of that age, but that does not mean the latter copied from the former!


    and why should not I use the capital letters? When you have the option in your computer, you gotta use it. It is for a purpose!

  29. Its all the more confusion.....if they yeizidis are having a faith., just accept and support or let go., where is this need to draw parralels this faith or that faith it a sort of eczema....??? I can't understand., we are in the twenty first century....where we talk of aliens/black holes/pulsars/ robots/internet/dna made in computers/genome of our RNA and DNA listed/having come closer to 'god' particle of boson and are planning ,on ,occupying other planets(having successfully ruined our present planet)....we are nearly 7 billions...we have limited or dwindling resourses...we are stupid,both individually and collectively in enormous proportions for still going on sifting raw data on roots of faith and religions

  30. Here is another view-point "Another religion to have evolved from a nearby land i.e. Persia/Iran was Zoroastrianism is a contemporary of Hinduism. Both Hinduism & Zoroastrianism were practised by Aryans & both used to give great importance to FIRE. The Nirgun-nirakar God of the Zoroastrians was “Ahura” (Asura for the Hindus/Sindhus). The Zoroastrians & the Hindus/Sindhus belonged to two fiercely contesting sibling tribes/people having common ancestors, just like the Sunnis & Shias in Islam. The “Asuras” mentioned in the vedic scriptures were the Zoroastrians.

    "There are other aspects. What is called a "CHHAND" in Vedas is called a "Zand" in Avesta. I wonder if 'Angre Menyu' (Satan in Zoroastrianism ) referred to 'Manu', a father figure for the rival Huras/Suras!

    1. Hi, Hinduism too started out as a fire worship..

      The word for God is 'Deva', 'Deivam', 'Theivam',..

      The Tamil word for Fire is 'Thee" and it is believed that the worshiping of 'Thee' is called 'Theevam' becoming 'Deivam' and 'Theeva', 'Deiva', 'Deva'...

      It is a claim by one of the guy I know, research under progress..

  31. Where is the proof for GOD? how you found there is a supreme power.

  32. islam is copy of all religion, because arabs at that time were not aware of any religion. the prophet concept is by Muhammad is for political benefit.. to conquer land and thereby food and sex needs.

  33. @Azhar , You have Brain washed since you have been a Kid , that Adam & Eve nonsense means you are So Dumb & don't want to know the Truth that's all..........What is your Reliable source???????? do you know it is reliable........Was Wikipedia there 6000 7000 years ago, Just shut your crap..........Just because you have been taught that doesn't mean it is the truth......Open your Eyes/Ears......Get Enlightened....

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Quite possible Yazidis are lost Hindu lineage as it is heard that in prehistoric era the whole earth was Hindu, they have a beautiful saying in their Vedas (the oldest human literature known as Shruti) and that is "vasudeva kutum kab" which means the whole universe is one family. How beautiful the thought is :)

    Unlike some illiterate fanatic who kill human beings on the name of GOD, just imagine would God, who has created this earth will ask some fools to kill his own Human Beings.

    for more information kindly watch a video on Youtube just by typing "Late Anwar Sheikh" and see the reality your self....

  36. Now this Yezidi and Hindu blog entry has become the most popular blog entry on my blog among 45 posts over the years. Nearly 3200 likes too, not to mention 1000s of shares across social network. Thanks friends, for the support. And thanks to all comments irrespective of your point of view.

  37. Does it really matters who is who or who came first or whom to worship....after all we all are human being...we should respect and love each other irrespective of religion or caste..killing people just because they are from different origin/religion can never be justified.....its a big big crime for which god will not forgive them,,,,

  38. Y belief in Peacock angle as I listened to their leader in a you tube interview is that their saints communicate with the Peacock angle and solve problems just that rest their Zoroastrian basis is undisputed but they revere all religions with true dedication but Muslims doubt their integrity and they suffer due to that. All of must pray for them so that they get rid of dark minded so called ISIS diseased mobs who have recently murdered so many of them. May Lord help them to get rid of dark forces!

  39. I was intrigued reading about the similarities in the rituals and symbolism of Yezidi and Hindu faiths. But I find many of the posts here about 'Hinduism being the mother of all faiths' and things of that sort quite outlandish and without basis. Finding a distant link between Yezidi and Hindu faiths doesn't require these fanciful notions. If Yezidi faith is indeed descended from Zoroastrianism, then it IS related to Hinduism. The simple reason being Zoroastrianism and Vedic Hinduism are cousins descended from a common Indo-Iranian faith system, which in turn developed from a common Proto-Indo-European faith thereby linking it to ancient Greek and Norse religions. This is a theory that is well accepted by main stream scholars across the world. Therefore you would find many common ideas across these faiths as a reminder to its shared past. Examples like the concept of two groups of competing deities (Deva/Asura - Indian, Daeva/Ahura- Iranian, Olympians/Titans - Greek, Aesir/Vanir - Norse), the Leader of Gods being associated to Thunder and Lightning (Indra - Indian/Iranian, Zeus - Greek, Thor - Norse). And by the way, it is not just the religion that is linked so, but the languages too. Sanskrit, Persian, Greek and Latin descend from a common Proto-Indo-European language that no longer exist, and the evidence lies in the astoundingly similar sounding words for common concepts in these languages. Its all the result of a great migration of Indo-European/Aryan peoples from their ancient homeland thousands of years ago. Indo-European civilizational links is a fascinating study and is the subject ongoing research by renowned scholars from across the world. Yezidis undoubtedly is one such link of a great family of civilizations that stretched from Greek, Roman, Norse lands to Iran and India.

  40. If Yezidis continue to be under assault by ISIS, India should offer to provide asylum to them and provide land where they can live, build temples and practice their faith free from fear like we did for persecuted Zoroastrians and Tibetan Buddhists. This is something which we definitely can do as we have a strong Hindu nationalist government at the center. No doubt Yezidis will make immense contributions to development of our nation like their cousins, the Zoroastrians, did. Let India be the last, but strong, bastion of persecuted Indo-European faiths across the world.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hindus Belive in Vasudev Kutumbakam . and we firmly belive that our religion is the oldest way of life . Yazidis are Sanatan Dharma members .

    This can only be understood by a person who is Not a Maleech and is Not a Follower of Sukracharya.(Maleech are the Lowest - Ravans Uncle was a Maleech)

    In Kaliyuga it is suggested not to educated those who are on the side of Maleech and sukracharya followers . The reason there solution is already Born . This is a phase of transition from kaliyuga to satyuga.

    For the Maleechs .. Dajjal will come from Turkey and all fundamentalists will be eliminated by the Dajjal666.

    Past Angel of Dajjal - Tim Osman - AKA OSAMA BIN LADEN
    Present Angel of Dajjal - Simon Elliot - AKA Baghdadi
    Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare . Hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.

  43. Its fine. Innocents and harmless should not have such kind of disastrous situation. Let create awareness among all to support and protect them. Let their root be in Bharat-Hindus, Zoarastrians etc.,

    Note: This group migrated from India about at least 10000 years back. They are the descendants of Druhyu 2nd son of King Yayati. Even Zoarastrians belongs to Druhyu's clan.

  44. you can watch the below videos to understand yazidi are tamils and worshipping Lord Murugan

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Here is your proof which is from a non Hindu. Please read it n knock yourself out. Its a close enough study. If you still can't believe then you have a ostrich syndrome where you bury your head in the ground and think everything is alright around you and believe your believes.

    I think your problem is you just can't accept anything related to Hinduism. Please read about Hinduism, it will take a lot of time but atlast I am sure u will also say that many new religions like Islam are offshoots of Hinduism.

  47. Kiran, your research highlights the similarities between Indian and Yezidi tradition. I can understand living in that region, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam may have impacted their practices over time but the similarities are astounding. More research is needed otherwise this fact will be suppressed by Islamo-fascists as Indian history is systematically being deleted in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

  48. The Peacock King of the Vedic Yezidi People

    Vedic Yezidi Traditions of Iraq, Syria and Mesopotamia

  49. I want to start a mass public movement in favour of Yezidis. So I request all those connected with this blog to Mail me every information and documents regarding this on ' '

  50. There was a time when all of Arabia was Pagan, just like India. Only there was slightly different flavors. The Yazidi's are still survived, which seems like a miracle. Mohammaden Islam exterminated most of the Pagan Arabia and yet theier own traditions are completely Pagan. Going around the Kabba? Pagan. Kissing the Black Stone? Pagan, Drinking ZamZam Water? Pagan, Going between the Hills? Pagan. As long as you have the concept of 7 days a week, Paganism will live in one form or another. If you want to know more lookup IQ Al Rassoli

  51. The culture of Yazidis is akin to Hindu Tamils of South India. There is no doubt about it. We should remember that History has been written with evidences available at different points of time and also by historians and researchers what reaches their mind. Even the History of India is not complete. It all start with Gupta's and Mourya's of North India. History of S, India has been deliberately or inadvertently sidelined to backgound.
    We have been all along reading in History that sumerians moved east to reach Mohanjo Daro/Harappa civilization and then spread along the gangetic plains. This is what Britishers and Westerner wrote. Suppose if it was the other way round, briefly (to rewrite it) it could be this way also. ow many of Indians heard of Gondwana Land or Lemuria Continent lying south of present day Kanyakumari. which was supposed to have been swollowed by the sea some 5000 years of ago. If that land mass was the cradle of civilization, as Silapathikaram, an ancient Tamil Texts that dates back more than 500o years ago. The present day madurai was restablished around 1500 years ago, but the earlier Madurai was supposed to be located south of Kanyakumari in the Lemuria Continent belong to the !st Sangam Period. If that was true, then during the great deluge, people moved out in different directions, those who went west landed in Africa, further west, the Mayan, and Aztec Civilization, those who when north, landed in sumeria and those who moved still further were those who spoke later day Aramaic language and Yazidi culture/language and lastly those who moved north were the present day tamils and still further north were the Mohanjo Dara / Harappan Civilizations. Remember Aramic language which Jesus spoke and for those who watched the movie 'Passion of Christ' has vocabulary/words similar to the Tamil Words. Just follow the Aramic Language spoken by the Aramaics. Do this without predjudice. If the History written by Britishers and Westerners which you people believe is possible then what I have written above is also possible.

    Rather than trashing, it is worth while to weigh facts in the light of new information with available technology and then resummarize history constructively.

  52. Comparing self with Azhar using his logic:
    I am a Hindu where as he is not.
    I have no problem with any form of worship modes prevalent in the world whereas he thinks he is the only right.
    I am a vegetarian, he loves beef.
    I am 100% Indian with no other possibility, he has doubts as his faith is imported.
    Since, I am a human being, he is NOT.

  53. HIndu or not bring those suffering people those women from rape..please help them.. Take up the matter to higher level...such a humanitarian crisis

  54. save women and destroy the isis slavery forever.

  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. Now terrorists have established a nation called Iraq & Syria Islamic State in short ISIS. This state has armed forces. Armed forces recruits are basically from Iraq & Syria. However they don't have adequate human power for jobs like cleaning, cooking etc. For these jobs they are recruiting girls. Firstly they started with Yazidi girls. However, Yazidi population is meager and the girls are not reliable ISIS thought of Muslim girls. Muslim girls are considered mature once their monthly period starts (MC). Second advantage is minor girls can easily be lured and trusted for all needs of soldiers 24X7. India is having largest population of Muslims in a single nation in the world. Therefore, ISIS can rely on steady supply of staff for supporting armed forces. ISIS has lured some Muslim boys of minor age also. However, girls are more useful and hence in demand. Those who believe in women purity must work for this cause and stop smuggling of minor girls to ISIS. from

  57. Yezidi people are wonderful people -- they should be protected at any cost --

    1. How do you proposed to protect them? Have you any plan?

  58. There are many intelligent people commenting -- it is not necessary to argue or justify to them -- as it is beyond -- Since I heard about Yezidi peoples Plight I am really sad and feelfor them --I am not knowing as to what Our Government is doing --
    As we are also surrounded by Idiots

  59. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Abhraham(Ibhrahim), father of Abrahamic religions(Judaism,Christianity, Islam,Rastafarianism, Samaritanism, Druzism, Mandaeism,BΓ‘bism and the Baha'i Faith) was member of Indian hindu Calani Tribe.

    In his History of the Jews, the Jewish scholar and theologian Flavius Josephus (37 - 100 A.D.), wrote that the Greek philosopher Aristotle had said: "...These Jews are derived from the Indian philosophers; they are named by the Indians Calani." (Book I:22.)

    Clearchus of Soli wrote, "The Jews descend from the philosophers of India. The philosophers are called in India Calanians and in Syria Jews. The name of their capital is very difficult to pronounce. It is called 'Jerusalem.'"

    "Megasthenes, who was sent to India by Seleucus Nicator, about three hundred years before Christ, and whose accounts from new inquiries are every day acquiring additional credit, says that the Jews 'were an Indian tribe or sect called Kalani...'" (Anacalypsis, by Godfrey Higgins, Vol. I; p. 400.)

    Jews are the decendent of Israel a.k.a jacob son of Isaac who is a son of Abraham (through Sarah), while the Arabs are decendent of Ishmael son of Abraham (through Hagar).

  62. "Yezidi" are Good People and are wonderful Humans. nice Article -- These people must be protected. would love togo there and meet them

  63. Kiran, based on my research I find Yazidis are a branch of the Avestans (later Zoroastrians) who worship the Yazatas (in Avestan the word Yazata means the gods and the goddesses worthy of worship. The Samskrit equivalent is Devatas (gods and goddesses)). Ancient Avestan tradition is an offshoot of the Vedic tradition quite unlike today's Zoroastrianism which is heavily influenced by Islam with many concepts like pravazis reinterpreted as prophets etc. Yazidis in particular seems to be a branch of the Avestans from Iran who somehow had affinity towards Vedic and later Vedic traditions, in comparison to other Avestans who in generally considered the Vedic tradition in hostile terms. In the Puranas the Avestans are described as the Daityas (Daityas were counted among the Asuras along with the Danavas - viz. the Greek heroes of Iliad / Odyssey). There were many Daityas who had affinity with Vedic culture often at variance with the other Daityas. Mahabali is an example who was devoted to Vedic god Vishnu. Similarly there were many Daityas devoted to Karthikeya (Subrahmanya) after the war between Karthikeya and Daitya king Taraka at Kurukshetra. These Daityas allied with Karthikeya after their defeat. I tend to associate the Yaazidis as descendants of these Daityas who worship Kartikeya as their primary deity by looking at their current traditions. Malek Taus is nothing but Vedic god Dyaus - the sky god - similar to Zeus / Jupiter / Indra's father Kashypa

    1. Brahma, Rudran (?), Indra and Indrani, and elements of sun, fire etc are the original Gods mentioned in Rig Veda. The other Gods are those gods of outside the Vedic Religion which was later absorbed into Hinduism. There are many errors in your summation please.

  64. There are 2 brothers 2 aspects alwaz sun and sin Rama and Krishna ra and amun Ganesh and karthikeya arjun and Krishna god-demigod god-copygod πŸ™„πŸŒžπŸ”₯πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ
